
All controllers must return a response to be sent back to the user's browser. Siteadmin provides many response types which configure the appropriate headers for each content type.

HTML Response

use sa\application\controller;
use sa\application\responses\View;

class UserController extends controller {
    public function index() {
        // Use master theme.
        // Render the '/{module}/views/user_list.php' view
        $html = new View('master', 'user_list');
        // Pass variables $first_name and $last_name into HTML view.
        $html->data = array('first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe');
        // Render the view
        return $html;

Constructor Parameters

JSON Response

use sa\application\controller;
use sa\application\responses\Json;

class UserController extends controller {
    public function index() {
        $json = new Json();
        // Set json content.
        $json->data = array('first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe');
        // render json
        return $json;

Constructor Parameters

XML Response

use sa\application\controller;
use sa\application\responses\Xml;

class UserController extends controller {
    public function index() {
        $xml = new Xml('root_tag', 'namespace', 200);
        // Set XML content.
        $xml->data = array('first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe');
        // render xml
        return $xml;

Constructor Parameters

File/Binary Response

Renders a file, such as an image or PDF, in the browser.

use sa\application\controller;
use sa\application\responses\File;

class UserController extends controller {
    public function index() {
        $file = new File('/path/to/file.ext');
        // render or download file
        return $file;

Constructor Parameters

HTTP Redirect

use sa\application\controller;
use sa\application\responses\Redirect;

class UserController extends controller {
    public function index() {
        // 302 temporary redirect
        $redirect = new Redirect('/url-to-new-page');
        // 301 permanent redirect
        $redirect = new Redirect('/url-to-new-page', true);
        return $redirect;

Constructor Parameters

Custom Responses

The Response Interface

All responses must implement the sa\application\responses\ISaResponse interface. This requires your custom response to include the following methods,

The Response Trait

Most responses allow the developer to set custom headers and a custom response code. A wrapper for this exists through the \sa\application\responses\TViews trait, which exposes a headers property, as well as a helper method for setting the response code: setResponseCode().

Custom Response Example

use sa\application\responses\ISaResponse;
use sa\application\responses\TViews;
use sa\application\responses\ResponseHeader;

class Yaml implements ISaResponse {
    use TViews;
    public $data = array();
    private $responseCode;

    public function __construct($responseCode = 200) {
        $this->responseCode = $responseCode;

     * Gets called before getHeaders and getResponse
    public function buildResponse()
        $this->headers[] = new ResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-yaml');

     * Gets the response content to be echo to the user
     * @return string
    public function getResponse()
        return yaml_emit($this->data);

     * Gets the headers to be sent to the user
     * @return array();
    public function getHeaders()
        return $this->headers;

Downloading Files

Sometimes an application will need to download a file instead of rendering its contents in the browser. This is useful for exporting XML, images, word documents, zip files, among others.

The Downloadable Response Trait

Download capabilities are exposed through the DownloadableResponseTrait . This trait exposes a setDownloadable() method which accepts a file name as its only parameter. Once this method is executed, the response object will configure the necessary headers to download its contents as a file.

The following response types implement this trait:

  • JSON

  • XML

  • File

Download JSON

public function downloadJson() {
    $json = new Json();
    $json->data = [
        "id" => 1,
        "first_name" => "John",
        "last_name" => "Doe"

    return $json;

public function downloadXml() {
    $member = modRequest::request('auth.member');
    $xml = new Xml('member');
    $xml->data = doctrineUtils::getEntityArray($member);

    return $xml;

Download XML

public function downloadXml() {
    $xml = new Xml('member');
    $xml->data = [
        "id" => 1,
        "first_name" => "John",
        "last_name" => "Doe"

    return $xml;

Download Files

The File response can be used to download any type of file. Common use cases include:

  • CSV

  • Images

  • PDFs

  • Word Documents

...or any other type of file.

public function downloadFile() {
    // Download file from the module's /img directory.
    $file = new File(__DIR__ . '/../img/photo_1.png');
    return $file;

Last updated